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Forever 21 jacket, the BF's flannel shirt, Current/Elliott jeans (or "jeggings", ugh I hate
that word!), Jeffrey Campbell Charlie clogs from Lori's Shoes, Balenciaga bag
It has been a really long time since I have done an outfit post! Today there was absolutely nothing to do all day, so the BF and I spent the afternoon wandering around and drinking Starbucks. We stumbled upon this nice brick wall to take pictures in front of, and for once I actually had my camera on me!
Tonight the BF and I went to an Indian buffet and had Mango Lassi's - they are *SO* good. You must try one asap, I had never had one before but now I am a believer and an addict. Afterwards we checked out the dollar movie theater and caught "Up In the Air", during which I annoyed the BF with my swooning over George Clooney. He really does get better with age, right?
These are my first new purchase in a long time, the Jeffrey Campbell Charlie clogs. I know that every blogger on the internet already has these shoes, but I'm weak for anything that so resembles Chanel and is in my price range. Plus I had a coupon...
I hope you're all having a fabulous week!
love those clogs! I don't read a lot of fashion blogs so you're the first person i've seen with them!
Daring girl!! I couldn't do clogs. But, they look great on you!
Those clogs are fab!!
YAY for an outfit post! :) And btw-I don't have those clogs so you are one step ahead of me darlin' :)
Up in the Air was great wasn't it and yes, Clooney is smokin' hot-better w/ age! Too bad he won't commit...or is that part of the fun? I dunno. :)
Anyhow, have a splendid day and now I am craving 1. starbucks & 2. thai.
thanks luv.:)
Those legging you have on is the best right?!?? I have them in black and totally in love with it.
Have a great day Ashley!
This is perfect! Love the jacket and the clogs!
Great blog too! xx
I really like those clogs and I'm usually not a clog lover, but they are very flattering! I love your outfit!
Charlie looks wonderful on you! You wear him well.
Your jacket looks very cool and comfortable!
comfy outfit, and if you have the $ get the shoes!!!
love them! i recently got a pair of clogs myself.
haha a+ on the clogs i know what you mean- i just ordered an alexander wang jacket (on massive sale!!!) that is totttally passe with bloggers...but whatever! i love! gorgeous blog :)
xx come visit!
Cool clogs!
You know...the jury is still out on clogs for me, but they look super cute with the skinnies you have on.
Aww, you got a pair of the clogs - and they even suit your style. Pardon my rudeness, but how much were they?
cool boots very wonderful;
beautiful shoes
nice outfit
at first, i wasn't feeling clogs at all but those are literally perfect!
LOVE the outfit, especially the jacket. was it a recent purchase? i've been looking for a jacket like that for so long and i don't see it on the forever 21 website anymore... ahhh! please help! i'd appreciate it so much... longtime fan of your blog. :)
I got the jacket off of the sale racks at a Forever 21 store in Buffalo, NY about a month or so ago - I'm sorry I can't be of more help! If you live near a Forever 21 store, definitely be sure to scour the sale racks!
thanks so much for the reply! i'll try my luck this weekend. :)
LOL i hate ""jeggings"" too but I love this outfit! the shoes rock.
Ooo, i may have to jock your style. I love JC shoes and those clogs are cute!
I love this outfit! we can't see very well your bag but it seems so cute, especially the colour!
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