Jeffrey Campbell Harley Harness Boots from Free People; Jeffrey Campbell Under Grown
Boot from Karmaloop; Jeffrey Campbell Tube 2 from Solestruck
I'm all out of sorts. It's 90 degrees outside and I'm fantasizing about (and ordering) winter boots. Why does fashion always have to run one season ahead? Also, this post could have been called "Currently Craving: Jeffrey Campbell", because 4 out of 5 of these boots are JC. I'm a little obsessed lately - but seriously, have you checked out their Fall/Winter lookbook? It's incredible! Have you guys gotten swept up in the preordering mania like I have?
PS: I listed a few things on ebay this week, including a Marchesa dress and some Velvet Angels shoes, so if you're in a shopping mood be sure to check them out!
Lovely!! I can't wait for the fall/winter!!
<3 Kelly
Nice selection!!!!
those boots you ordered at HOT. i can't wait to see them in real life (on you :)
anna jane
I find that mid-season I'm bored with what I see especially as most of it is sale goods, and I too begin to crave the next seasons clothes, they always look fresh and interesting, boots are a definite on my list xx
I like the shoes especially that you ordered!
Check out my blog!
Oh man winter boots are the best and JC has the best selection! Debating over whether or not to order the Lita's?! Really want to!
Love the ones you ordered!
Nice collage...
would it be wrong to buy all of them?
Dear Jeffrey Campbell,
Come enter my giveaway with Brooklyn Thread!
XO Lynzy
Ahh! You ordered them?! Really jealous... I am so obsessed. I want all of these shoes! (but the ones you picked are definitely my favorite)
xx Laura
oooh now you've got me thinking about boots!!
they are all breathtaking, I especially love the red ones!
love these...I ordered mine too! but I got the 2 on the right both in black. it's a crazy addiction xx
the JC heels are amazing, he makes killer heels
ahh my friend has those jeffery campbell ones you ordered, im so jealous of both of you they look amazing!
They are pretty amazing, I'm sure you'll look stunning in them :]
LOVE the boots (especially the clog boots). i'm envious of the pair you ordered! :)
oh hell yeah on the lita!! you gotta post a pic of yourself in those little babies!
i'm still back here trying to enjoy summer that JUST decided to show up today...sowee jeffrey. guess i'll be shoeless for fall :)
these are cute. really cute. I love all of them. and your blog too. :)
Fashion Toy Gun
it's so great that you ordered those boots! they are amazing... i'm really liking the all black booties!
i am definitely dreaming of fall. i've had enough of this 90-100 degree weather. i can't wait to cuddle up in blankets and sweaters again.
Great boots! Can't wait for fall!
Omg they are seriously everywhere! I really need some!
woww beautiful shoess <33
love those!!
OMG, I cant choose!!
It's so funny you posted about this becuase I was just looking at the Fall/Winter JC lookbook and seriouslyyyyy tempted to order a pair..just a few months early.
These are all fantastic, darling!
Love the ones that you ordered and the red ones as well!
These are fabulous! I adore the Free People pair the most. Now I kinda wish it was
I hope you're having a fab week! xo
I'm with you on dreaming about winter... It's my fave season.
Adore all those boots
love your blog!
you should enter my giveaway!
return the favor & follow back? <3
Love the ones you ordered!
love, LOVE , LOOOOVE all these boots! especially love the ones you ordered!!, can't wait to see them on you :)
i've just bumped into your blog it
i will come back soon...
check up mine and let me know what you think about it! you can also follow me on bloglovin'
have a nice weekend
xoxo from rome
Guess what, been eyeing those boots in eBay!
loooveee them. especially the flat JC's
Their lookbook was crazy good. I hope you love those Litas. =D
seriously....I WANT THEM ALLL!! and if i don't, i will probably hate myself for i can't even bare to look at them LOL
i totally question the same thing about fashion trends. everything i want is totally inappropriate for the weather!!
btw, love your blog!!<3
Oh, they look dangerous!
I like that.
Love the clogs
xxx from France,
Olivia & Mariam
lovely shoes ;)
i know what you mean about everything being a season ahead... i mean dang, they get us wanting things before we even joy the season we are in! errrrr! but yes, i love those jc motorcycle boots! i need some like that!
Hi there,
You have a great blog! I like it!
Please have a look at my fashion blog too, and if you like it, please feel free to follow it ;-)
Ps: I'll be having an amazing giveaway soon, stay tuned!
Hope to see you soon.
Loving the red ones!
Am I the only one not feeling JC's F/W collection? I'm so disappointed. The Harness Boot is as best as it gets for me, and that we have seen before.
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