Sep 10, 2010

Night vision

American Rag dress; Jeffrey Campbell Bjork boots (courtesy of Ty at Jeffrey Campbell and
Corree at Lori's Shoes - thanks!!); Motel jacket; Forever 21 necklace

Just a quick post to let you all know that I survived the state fair! And not only did I survive, but my BF won me a giant Hello Kitty! He won it on the crossbow game, he got the arrow exactly in the center of the middle ring which was quite an accomplishment after a few beers!

I know NYFW is going on, but I'm choosing to ignore it for now because I'm pretty bummed I'm not in the city for it. Fashion's Night Out is tonight - are any of you all celebrating? I think I'll do my part by shopping online in my PJs, haha!

Lastly, yay for Fall!! I finally got to bust out my shearling-lined Jeffrey Campbell boots and a wool jacket last night, and I couldn't be happier! :D


Wrecked Stellar said...

Hi lady! Love those shoes- such fun buckles! xo, mel

Mirka said...

wow gotta love those shoes! xx

agnes said...

wouah...j'adore ton look, et tes chaussures sont superbes.

Anonymous said...

Those shoes are so, so, so amazing!

Closet Fashionista said...

Awesome shoes!!! :D :D

Anonymous said...

such a cute necklace :D

I wanted to go to the Fashion's Night Out too, but I can't. :/

Jessica said...

The shoes look hot on you! They should feature the last photo on the site instead of the stock image. You make them look even more incredible!

Collette Osuna said...

TOTALLY in love with this look.....its baggy and stylish..and those shes are just too awesome for words!!

Statements in Fashion

Anonymous said...

great look, head to toe!

bravegrrl said...

oh my, i love your boots!!!!

Anna Grostina said...

Love your shoes.!

Grace said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE those shoes.

Love Grace.

Sarah said...

love those boots!

Lucia said...

wow , admire them !! Beautiful pieces !

Anonymous said...

Nice necklas, and gorgeous shoes!

Unknown said...

love the new shoes! you look great.

xx anna jane

Summer said...

welcome back!! I miss your blog!!
love what you're wearing ;p


B.K. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Secondhand Society said...

love the jc boots.

Yaary said...

omg those boots are awesome! i love this whole outfit girl ;)

NobodyKnowsMarc said...

lovely wedges..!

Anonymous said...

the shoes are AMAZING

Anonymous said...

lovely look! come visit my nyc fno post and more about fashion week :)xx

Ellie Lee said...

Found your blog when I types "Saks" on the url bar; Love your shoes! And that comfy grey sweater dress! And of course your shoes!! And Solestruck's lookbook looks amazing!

kelsea said...

i have a dreamcatcher necklace too!!! i'm sure you get tons of compliments on yours as well, right? haha its a wonderful statement piece

FashionJazz said...

Love your shoes soo much! : ) xx

Andee Layne said...

those shoes and necklace are insane!!! xo

Wendy said...

I absolutely love your necklace!

Anonymous said...

love the shoes!

theversastyle said...

oh your boots!!!! heart!

ryan said...

Those boots are pretty amazing

Unknown said...

I'm not surprised by your delight missy, they're hot jazzy ♥

Unknown said...

waaaaa love those boots xxxx

Anonymous said...

gorgeous look :) i'm in love with it :) xx

emily//the lesser panda said...

WOW i love your boots!

Karen said...

Love your outfit!!!! Your necklace is amazing - where did you get it???


Ashley [Free Honey] said...

Love the shoes!! They're so awesome.

And don't feel bad about missing FNO, it's basically a mob scene everywhere you go. Really not that fun, I promise!

Anonymous said...

Those boots are KILLER. I'm totes following you, solely because you have the BEST style. Ever. :)

Follow, please? <3

Manuella said...

great boots...!i would be happy too if i had those shoes :) kisses

Charlene said...

Those boots are amazing! Love the necklace too!

erica said...

Your shoes are amazing!!!


lucy said...

like the necklace, love the shoes!

Anonymous said...

I want these so baddddd...
They look sickkkkk on you! :)

chloe said...

hiii, ive been browsing through &enjoying your blog but i really had to stop and comment here - i consider myself quite knowledgeable about jc shoes (currently wrestling with whether-or-not to go for the litas, arggg) but ive never seen this pair of boots before, they're incredible! they remind me a bit of the v.westwood pirate boots, and they look great with bare legs!
enjoy them! x