Sep 19, 2010


Jeffrey Campbell Lita boots; Target maxi dress; Thrifted sweater; Forever 21 necklace

The other night, out of nowhere, the power went out. No TV, no internet, no lights, nothing... for 4 whole hours! You never realize how dependent you are on technology until you are forced to be without it! In the absence of anything to do, the BF and I wasted some time doing a little impromptu photoshoot featuring my newest pair of Jeffrey Campbell's, the Lita platform boots. How many of you all have either bought or preordered the Lita's? If you haven't yet, I *highly* recommend them - they are made of soft leather, add over 5 inches to your height, and are honestly, pinky-swear, hand-to-god amazingly comfortable! The Lita's are available at Karmaloop, Solestruck, Lori's Shoes, Nasty Gal, and Jildor, in all the colors of the rainbow (well, almost...). Oh, and I can't forget to mention the highly-covetable LEOPARD Lita's, available only at LF Stores. Anyone want to pick me up a pair of those babies?

PS - Don't forget to enter to win a $100 gift card to Shopbop this week!


Jessica said...

Wow! Those are some killer shoes! Great addition to your collection.

Celine KG said...

Killer shoes. Ah! Got to have them...In black AND leopard héhé :D

xoxo, Céline

this free bird said...

you killed it! how do you not topple over in those babies?!?



hiyaluv said...

photoshoots are always a good use of time:) if I had 4 hours without power and it was daylight, I may read...or more likely NAP:) but if it was dark outside I may have to go to sleep anyhow because I wouldn't be able to see to do anything.

Is it hard to walk in those awesome shoes?

Anonymous said...

Amazing shoes!

ryan said...

They are amazing! And they really add a lot of height which I love

Closet Fashionista said...

Looove them! Too much for me though

Collette Osuna said...

Those shoes are soooo cool!! Not sure I could move in them, but Id sure as heck try!!!

Of course, I LOVE the necklace:)

Have a fashionable day!
Statements in Fashion

Grace said...

Your shoes!!!!!

Love Grace.

Woods said...

those jeffrey campbell are soo awesome i want a pair haha
i like your outfit soo grunge and comfort!

ching said...

the shoes <3

Sarah Whitney said...

Girl, those shoes are YUMMY!


Those boots are just amazing!! Great outfit. :)SarahD

offline said...

those shoes are so high but i love them ^^ they look great
and thanks for giving me ideas, really thinking of posting my makeup

love sunbeam

Nathalie Kartika Putri said...

nice boots


PursuitOfLLT said...

WOW! I would be well over 6 feet in those bad boys! Very cute!

Summer said...

I'm loving what you're wearing!!


Plum for Polly said...

oooh looks good! i totally went to get the leopard litas the other day and they dont have them yet!!! soon tho...not sure i should add 5 inches to my already gigantic height but hey...these shoes are hooooot.

Leonie said...

Woah! Those shoes are amazing!!

Anna Grostina said...

Oh, I love those shoes.


Tonje said...


Stephanie said...

hot, hot, hot shoes lady!

Danielle Barbe said...

just went and checked out the leopard lita's. gorgeous! may need to pick a pair up when i'm in NY soon.

Carmen To said...

i've been MIA :( I miss hearing from you!
btw, Killer shoes! loving it!


Anonymous said...


Fashion Cappuccino said...

Awesome shoes!! I want one!! xoxoxoxoo

Ashley [Free Honey] said...

LOVE those shoes! They are so damn hot.

misscindee said...

ashley!! these are incredible. my eyes widened a lil and i sat a lil straighter when i heard that they add at least 5 inches to your height. that would make me exactly 5'5. lol* oh i think you should go get the leopard ones too.


I need these shoes in my life!!!

xx Black Adder Fashion

Marika said...

Thank you for your sweet comment! That means the world to me!

gorgeous shoes!! just gorgeous!!

And please, - MAKE ME STYLISH!

ediot said...

hi darling. thanks for stopping by me!
what a lovely look- i adore the dress and the cardigan.. cant get enough cardigans this autumn.
the chunkier the better ;)
hope youre having a wonderful week
congrats on your new buy


antonia said...


Anonymous said...

Love jeffery campbell,love tj maxx, love thrift stores :)

beneath the glass said...

love them! i've been drooling over them myself...kinda want a red pair! they look great :) oh, and i've also wanted that feather necklace forever!

bravegrrl said...

what a perfect daily uniform! love the litas.... but am especially LOVING your cardi!

Unknown said...

GR8 shoes xxx

Daiana said...

i love how lita's look! they are such a fash statement nowadays! i love your long cardigan and the necklace! <3 <3!

kisses from

Rebecca said...

the shoes!! ahhh, i've been craving them for so, so long

Ria said...

I got the leopard ones from LF. Absolutely adore them, wore em out last night for the first time. On my way home I thought hmmm what's missing from this night oh yeah me being in any kind of foot pain. So comfy.

Zabrinah said...

Wow! Wow! Wow! Those boots are so pretty! I'd never be able to walk in them, but I can admire them from afar!



Tria Zaluska said...

Lovely shoes!

Phie Preston said...

I love the Litas!!!!

Hope you can stop by The Fashion Smoke!

Phie Phie xx

Style with Benefits said...

they are really amazing and you're rocking them but my awkward self couldn't handle just extreme height while walking! those leopard ones are to die for though! i love your necklace too!

xx, becs

SucceedingatFailing said...

you have such amazing taste in footwear! Shame autumn clothes are such a long way away from me in Spain, its still far too hot! :(

BenchesnChandeliers said...

i love the chunkiness of your jc's!

btw i, too, was reminded of how technologically dependent i am when i had to forgo my blackberry when switching over to a new phone for just a few days. it was wretched!


Unknown said...

Whoa, lordy, these are incredible. You have a seriously enviable shoe collection mrs! jazzy ♥

LIQUESandMEG said...

so jealous of everyone and their mom that has the Lita boots. i MUST splurge already!


Karoline Kalvø said...

You are stunning.



thsoe shosesss are ah-mazinggg!!!!!

Nike Pas Cher said...

I'm so in love with these shoes! xx K