Jan 2, 2010


Dress: Vintage
Sweater: J. Crew
Heels: Target
Clutch: Eryn Brinie

Happy New Year!! I hope you've all had a wonderful 2010 so far! I spent a few days in Syracuse, the hometown of my BF, and ate sushi and drank too much champagne and stayed in a ridiculously fancy hotel and had an amazing time. Cheers to the new decade! And cheers to you!


WendyB said...

Great vintage dress!

(always)alanna said...

love the dress, great find. that food looks delicious! love the photos below too; and your header
happy new yearr!
and love your blog- will definitely be back visiting soon!

InnyVinny said...

Happy New Year!

That dress is gorgeous! You look great, darlin. All sparkly and stuff. =D

Couture Carrie said...

Absolutely gorgeous dress, darling!

Happy New Year, Ashley!


P.S. Thanks for visiting my new blog ~ would you like to exchange links with ?

Anonymous said...

Lovely dress!

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Great photos- you look fab! I went to Cuse for undergrad....are you in Armory Square? Happy new year!

Couture Carrie said...

Thanks for the add, darling! "CC Loves..." is perfect! You are on my new blogroll now, too!


Unknown said...

that dress is fabulous xoxox

Nubiasnonsense said...

Awesome vintage dress, Love to see you smiling! happy newyear

Anonymous said...

Stunning dress! Looks like you had a wonderful New Year's! Happy 2010!! xo, Mel

Sheena said...

I love that vintage dress! Looks like you had a great time. Here is to a wonderful 2010!

Aline said...

such a gorgeous dress!

happy new year!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous dress, I love the colour and lighting. By the way, Of Mice and Men was very good and sad!

FashionJazz said...

Luv ur dress!! Hope u had a stunning christmas and new years!! All ther best for 2010, may it be a amazing one for u! : ) xx

Anonymous said...

cute blog :) happy new year to you !

Secretista said...

What a cute outfit!


this reminds me of SATC <3


Anonymous said...

Stunning dress! Wow, what a great vintage find.

Wishing you the best for an amazing New Year!

xo, Becs