Apr 25, 2009

Currently Craving: Breezy Tunics and Breezy Nights

1. Sophomore Shoulder Cutout Dress
2. Bahia Jersey Sandal
3. Billabong Cross Back Beach Tunic
4. B-Side Geometric Cube Ring
5. Elizabeth & James Double Snake Ring

It's finally warm in Ohio! 84 degrees warm, to be exact. And about 80 degrees in my apartment, ouch. So I'm going to go sit on the front porch, sip an icy margarita, and try to stay cool. Hope you all have a great summery weekend!


freeteyme said...

love Billabong! specially love their swimsuits =). those rings are fab! i hope you're having a great weekend!

Reena Rai said...

Love that Elizabeth and James snake ring...gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

The Elizabeth and James ring is perfect! Wish it was so warm here :(

lizz said...

I LOVE both of those rings! especially the E&J...


$ouLphate said...

#3 is simply amazing!

InnyVinny said...

Those Cocobelles are calling me, too..

Francheska L said...

ooooooohhhhh yesssssss I want all of that too!
number 2 is kinda crazyyyyyyy!!!
love it though :)

Frankie said...

I love tunics too! So easy to wear, but they always look so elegant x

A Stylized Hysteria said...

I love #3! So perfect for the warm weather. I spent the weekend like you- hiding out from the heat in my apartment!

Aline said...

great choices!

LJ said...

mmm the rings...yum.
xx-LJ from SOS!

ZuKi said...

omg, I want those sandals sooo much!!!