Inspired by this post from Lulu, I am going to take the blog in a different direction for a second.
"Most fashion blogs/ people/ personalities just seem so boring. "Be a real person!" I would say. Do you ever wonder if anyone feels anything beyond "Oh I covet this..."?" -Lulu
I realize the irony in writing this this directly following a "Currently Craving" post, but what can you do. I feel that I've been hiding the real me from this blog because I'm afraid of what happened to Lulu when she wrote about her breakdown a while back, and the harsh, critical comments that seem to be staples on other blogs.
I've only ever gotten one negative comment on this blog, and it was something about my hair being frizzy. That's it. So I guess I have always been playing it safe, being sure I never say or show anything that people can pick at or tear apart. But by doing that, this blog really has nothing to do with me. You could replace me with any other mainstream fashion blog reading, TFS-obsessed girl and the results would be the same.
So I guess what I'm trying to say in this tirade is that we all need to be ourselves, and not fall into the easy trap that I have of playing it safe and hiding who we are and how we feel for fear of banishment from our peers (or something like that?). And I'm going to try to take my own advice and reclaim this blog...
*RIP Daul Kim*
Nov 22, 2009
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I absolutely adore this post. I am a "fashion blogger" but rant and rave all the time on my blog...and while I'm sure they mean it as a compliment, so many bloggers tell me I wish I could be as open as you, or as honest. WELL DO IT! hahaha...good for you girl. And yes, RIP Dual Kim.
@Elizabeth Marie- Thank you for being you! You all need to check out her blog, she rocks:
I agree, hiding who we really are on a blog makes us seem more shallow and narrow minded. Personally, I've always hidden myself to my best ability because it is the internet and you never know who is reading. I guess that's a risk to take.
But I do love your blog and I'm looking forward to your "reclaim" of it :)
@Lianna J- Very good point. Gotta be careful what to reveal and what to keep private!
Amen sister!
love Grace.
@Grace- * <3 *
I'm glad you're reclaiming your blog. It's supposed to be about self expression. This cookie-cutter fashion blog ish is boring. VERY boring.
Don't worry about trolls. Do what you think best reflects you.
@InnyVinny- Thanks for the advice :) I appreciate it, and agree with you completely!
RIP Daul Kim, a beauty gone too soon.
Wise words indeed :) I totallyy agree
Totally agree with you. I've been wanting to branch out on my blog more and take it into a different direction recently as well. The tough part is that a lot of my family and friends read my blog so I feel like I need to be really cautious of what I share and what I don't.
Looking forward to your upcoming posts! :)
xo, Becs
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