Apr 23, 2009

Girl Power: Daria Werbowy in Vogue Paris

Doesn't everyone feel like doing this to their boyfriend once in a while? Especially while wearing a tiny bikini, various bleached denim jackets, and kickass boots. Hot.

Pics from Vogue Paris May 09 issue, via TFS


InnyVinny said...

This makes me feel better about doing that to my guy. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Ha! What a lovely editorial! Daria always owns her editorials, though.

freeteyme said...

oh yes! sure do lol

CHIC Sensibility... said...

Great shots.

misscindee said...

hehe, powerful. i can relate to the last photo the most. i have a tendency to push my bfs away... emotionally tho. But that's exactly what it would look like in physical form. =P

Annisa NF said...

really awesome! :--D


Freya said...

now that's a different photoshoot

lizz said...

i LOVE these shots...what a crazy fun shoot.

Denisa L said...

love this editorial!!

Aline said...

I love these...awesome!

Lori said...

awesome editorial concept ;)

Catherine said...

Haha, that's pretty awesome. Love the setting of it.

Have a great weekend!

Daniella said...

Love this editorial! And she looks hotttt!

TMFA said...

Hahah, nice photoshoot. I can understand why you girls want to be violent once in a while against your boyfriends. :D

Camryn said...

Girl power in the extreme. LOL. Hilarious post. Funny pictures but still editorial-worthy, not a lot of photographers can do that.

Rosanna said...

love this!!! i totally captures the way i'm feeling right now. hahahaha

brittany said...

love !

you commented on one of my posts a while back with your link, so im just letting you know i added you to my links :)

Anonymous said...

Way fierce!! Go girl!

kadler said...

Maybe if these didn't look quite so fake :)

She weighs about 50 pounds. There's no way she could take down that big guy.