The pics above are from Erin Wasson's Venice Beach home, which features a skate ramp and a pimped-out, 900-square-foot tree house. How cool is that? Erin describes her little slice of paradise below:
“I moved into this house in Venice Beach six years ago. I’m in New York more, but I try to come back to L.A. pretty often. The house is only about 900 square feet, but the best part is the big backyard. I always had a fantasy, growing up in Texas, of having my own skate ramp, but we never had enough space at my family’s house. Now the backyard’s awesome. We put in the half-pipethe summer I moved in. There was a small skate shop down the road, and a lot of the boys who worked there would come over and sit around and work on it slowly. One day it was done. Now tons of people from the neighborhood come by. We fire up the grill and everybody hangs out and skates. Then there’s my tree house. It’s got sliding glass windows, it’s fully insulated, and there’s electricity. We wanted to make sure that the house didn’t harm the trees in any way, so it’s naturally suspended. There are no nails in the tree at all. I didn’t think in a million years the tree house was going to turn out as nicely as it has. It’s super-comfortable, really cozy. I go up there in the afternoons to do work. At night, when I’m standing in my backyard and have the bonfire going, I think, ‘Wow. This is really my own little sanctuary.’" (Interview)Everybody needs a sanctuary! Mine is probably my bed... I just love curling up under stacks of blankets, surrounded by pillows, with my laptop playing a good movie - and don't forget the white hot chocolate! However, I'd trade that for a giant tree house in a second! Where is your personal sanctuary?
Pix from Interview
Oh, this place is a dream, my sanctuary is my home now, especially in winter when there is no where I really want to go so I hole up in my home on the edge of the earth.
i want to live there!!
how amazing!
LOVE!!! Thanks for sharing and for the amazing photos. This may be my new mental 'happy place'. (-:
Her treehouse home sounds incredible! 900 sq ft of space in a tree--it must be some architectural feat.
Wow that is cool! My sanctuary what I call "the little room" which is technically a small second bedroom without a bed. It is sort of an office/room where I work out and where my partner and I keep a lot of our clothes. It's pretty easy to keep clean, there's a big mirror, a few wardobes of clothes, dried flowers my fiance gave me when he proposed, art, pictures, a vintage fold out desk, and a bunch of plants.
My sanctuary is my home where I shut the door and lock out the rest of the world. I kinda love it.
I don't have a sanctuary but I think I would like to get one just like this
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