Aug 22, 2010

Currently Craving: Sacre Blair!

Gossip Girl is back September 13th! Can you wait? I definitely can't, I'm such an addict - I've watched the Season 4 trailer at least 100 times since it was released last week. Sacre Blair! Dan au pair! And most importantly, vive le Chuck!!

Predictably, I'm already craving everything Blair Waldorf is wearing in the 1-minute trailer, especially the nowhere-to-be-found-online Moschino Cherry-Print dress from the Spring/Summer 2010 collection. But even if I could find it somewhere (anywhere!), I don't have the $4000 laying around to buy one dress... *le sigh*!

If you haven't already seen it, check out the trailer for Season 4 of Gossip Girl below!

***Don't forget to enter to win a shredded tee from Urban Revisions - ends Monday night at midnight!***


Closet Fashionista said...

I want the oui ring too!
And I don't watch Gossip Girl, but I might have to this season because Clemence Poesy is in it...

Chelsea said...

I watched this trailer numerous times too! I'm definitely looking forward to the 4th season and excited that the 3rd season will be out on DVD this week! (I always miss a lot of episodes per season).

Jessica said...

I'm counting down the days!

Anonymous said...

Ok I'm loving ALL of that!

Any said...

I have to finally watch this serial. everybody talks about it and I haven´t seen any episode yet.

Collette Osuna said...

LOVE all of those..especially the cuff...great pics:)

Not a Paper Cup said...

<3 those shoes! :)

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Such a great trailer/preview...can't wait! Cute OUI ring :)

holly x said...

ooooh lala! quel dommage! if i don't get hold of that french version of "those boots were made for walking", that dior ring, and a one-way eurostar ticket to gare du nord, i think i shall be very ill.

or i could just wait until the new season and whip up a batch of macarons!


Love what you pulled together. That bag is amazing, so too is that ring.:)SarahD

hobovogue . said...

okay WAIT that cherry print dress is to die for . literally. i LOVE prints like that... and the silhouette is incredible.

<33 [v] hobovogue

Mirka said...

blair's got such an adorable style, love her! and yes, sushi turned out great :)

Arushi Khosla said...

Blair is cute and dresses well but

a) It's not my style.
b) She can be super elitist and snobby which pisses me off.

Unknown said...

A great selection of pieces. If only I had the funds at my disposal :( I have been freaking out about this GG trailer since it was released!!!

Kelly said...

haha great title!! I can't wait for GG to come back!

<3 Kelly

Sharon Lei said...

OMG! How did I miss the trailer. I can't wait for this. Yay!

xx Love & Aloha

Sarah Smile said...

loving it! Can't wait for GG to come back! This post just got me excited.


bravegrrl said...

i don't watch gossip girl, but those shoes are killer :)

BenchesnChandeliers said...

i absolutely LOVE gossip girl, esp their wardrobes!!!

Emily//The Lesser Panda said...

I can't wait for gossip girl to start either!

Dannie said...

im more sooo into the gossip girl books buuut i do loove blair's style, niiiice :)

FashionJazz said...

I love GG! Thanks for sharing hun! xxx

B.K. said...

Yes, I also haven'T see that already.
Thank you so much for sharing!

Fashionlinks4us said...

Fit article
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theversastyle said...

oo i am so excited now for GG... so glad Chuck is ok!

Couture Carrie said...

Love GG and your cravings, especially that fabulous Dior bag!


Becca [Free Honey] said...

I cannot wait until Gossip Girl returns. It is my ultimate guilty pleasure. Although, I'm a little sad - I hear that Jenny will be gone this season, and she's one of my favorites.

Natalie said...

I'm more than a few episodes behind on Gossip Girl. I've obviously missed so much! Time to catch up.

megan said...

i'll admit i'm not a huge gossip girl fan but i love the style! i'm actually into taylor momsen's characters sense of style. very pop punk.


Sarah Whitney said...

Totally digging the pink dior bag!

The F Word Online said...

mm im totally craving those things with you. great picks. slash cannot WAIT for gossip girl !

xx lue

Sami Sandonato said...

goodness i love that cherry print dress, can't wait!! :)

Zarna said...

omg this season looks AMAZING!!!!

also i love that dior bag!


Andreia said...

I'm still watching the trird, I need to finish soon!!

ryan said...

Oh I just love Gossip Girl! And Blair's style is my favorite at the moment!

Nathaniel said...

Yay Gossip Girl! I still love that show.. But I think my style is more like Serena's. Can't wait for the 13th!

StuddedLilly said...

that Qui ring is SOOO cute! love the collage!

Vera said...

Season four looks very promising!! And I love the collage, love every single piece :o)

Anna Grostina said...

I love gossip girl!

Zabrinah said...

I LOVE Gossip Girl, so this post has definitely won me over!!!! It's wonderful!

I especially adore that Chanel tweed bracelet. So colorful and unique! I really want one.


Best wishes from one blogger to another,



what you're curretnly craving looks pretty delicious :P

Anonymous said...

i cant wait for the new season either!
blair's style is my favourite hands down!


Islandia Lane said...

love, love, love that ring and so in love with this BW outfit!
can't wait for the new GG!!

Anonymous said...


gossip girl!


Julia said...

I want to see it nooooooooow! I think it's gonna be amazing, specially as it takes place in my hometown;) hahahha

Violet E. said...

i love GG <3

Christina said...

ooo ditto on the chanel bracelet!

AlixRose said...

I miss Chuck Bass!
Love the OUI ring. I would totally wear that.

Anonymous said...

yeaaah.... so I totes missed that promo but I kissed my DVR when I realized it remembered to record it. Now I'm 1000x more excited knowing B+C are running in to each other tonight. This calls for a bottle of Pinot!

Ok, who am I kidding. I open a bottle of wine every night.
