Oct 5, 2009

Breast Cancer Awareness Month + Ella Moss Giveaway

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and the good people at Ella Moss are doing their part to support breast cancer research. That's why $5 from every sale of the tank top above is given directly to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation. The top is currently available at Barney's, Bloomingdales, Nordstrom, and (my favorite) Saks Fifth Avenue, as well as online at But you lucky Breakfast at Saks readers have the chance to win one for free!

To enter: Visit the National Breast Cancer Foundation's website, then come back here and comment with something you learned from the site.

Extra entry: For another entry, tweet "Increase awareness about breast cancer and enter to win an Ella Moss top from @breakfastatsaks
". Then come back here and leave a separate comment with a link to your tweet.

The giveaway will run throughout October, and the winner will be announced November 1st! So head on over to the National Breast Cancer Foundation's website and get reading! Knowledge is power!

***Lastly, the winner of the Tolani scarf from Chickdowntown is..... Mel! Congrats Mel! Check your email for more details!***


Anonymous said...

I learned Breast cancer is heterogeneous disease, I'm so happy we are increasing awarness through this!
Enter my Giveaway!

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

What a nice giveaway! I learned that there are 7 types of breast cancer... I am shocked, and had no idea.

I am happy to spread this awareness in a tweet :)

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Here's my tweet :)

laviejaime Increase awareness about breast cancer and enter to win an Ella Moss top from @breakfastatsaks !!!!ENTER!!!!

This is great- so glad to spread the word.

Damsels said...

excellent giveaway .. and i thank you for doing this to increase awareness
i learnt about several symptoms .. such as nipple changes ... does this sound odd ..

anyway i had no clue that some of these were symptoms


Couture Carrie said...

Lovely cause and giveaway, darling! Bravo!


39th and Broadway said...

Fantastic giveaway concept!

I learned that there a several kinds of breast cancer. I knew there were different stages but had no idea there were so many different types.

Rohini said...

Great cause & giveaway! :)


JOWY said...

Loving this post, we should be more to the website right now!

One Love,

Stylista Fitness said...

I learned that early detection increases the chances of surviving breast cancer so do your monthly self checks ladies :)

Stylista Fitness said...


Anonymous said...

I learned that 8 out of 10 lumps are benign. Thanks for the site, I am young but my doc wanted me to get a mammogram as a "baseline" and I just had it done yesterday. Everything's normal! Thanks for the giveaway and the information.


Jillyrh said...

I learned that there are 7 types of breast cancer. I had no idea.

Jillyrh said...

Tweeted: jillyrh Increase awareness about breast cancer and enter to win an Ella Moss top from @breakfastatsaks

KP said...

so lovely that you're doing thisxx

Jenna said...

I learned that both males and females can get breast cancer

Yowza said...

I learn about how I can do a BSE myself.

thriller39 said...

I learned that there are seven different kinds of breast cancer.


megatonk said...

I never knew much about the stages of breast cancer and survival rates. It's a little scary, but reminds us that self-exams and early detection are very important to beating cancer.

Laura said...

The NBCF was founded by a breast cancer survivor, who was diagnosed when she was just 34 years old. So glad she persevered and set up this foundation to help others after her own struggle!

Lizzie said...

This is a great contest!

I learned that not exercising, eating lots of saturated fat, and drinking more than 2 alcoholic beverages a day can make you more susceptible to breast cancer. I didn't know that, I thought that it was genetic mostly.
