Jul 27, 2009

The smiling debate

Hat+Blouse: Urban Outfitters
Jeans: YMI
Sandals: Nine West
Necklace: Eryn Brinie
Ring: mark.

I took a hint from some comments from the last what-i-was-wearing post and smiled in this picture, it really is nicer to look at pictures of smiling people! I don't know what it is about fashion blogging but it just seems like the standard is to not smile in your pictures. Well, I say we start a movement - the smiling fashion bloggers movement! Smiley people unite!

But seriously, this whole smiling thing is very interesting to me. So what do you guys think? Do you prefer smiley pictures? Do you prefer the somber, typical fashion blogger pictures? Do you not care at all what expression someones face is in, and just look at the outfit? Let me know!


Unknown said...

it's refreshing to see a smile...there are some bloggers that take themselves way too seriously. maybe post 2 pictures of each outfit - one smile and one serious! everyone wins!

grechen said...

great picture! i used to crop my head off in all my outfit pictures, then i changed to showing my face, and my on/off internet stalker e-mailed me to say how happy he was that i was showing my face...sooooooooo i started looking down or over to the side in my outfit pictures instead of showing my face. anyway, when i take my pictures, i'm usually makeup-less...

i like the smiling, but i think in a way, i like candid shots a little better, like jennine's from the coveted and deanne from dream sequins'

Ashleigh said...

sweet hat ;)

WendyB said...

All my pictures are smiley....I can't help it!

InnyVinny said...

I like personality to come through; whether it's clothes or smiles. =D

Hanh, Life-in-Travel said...

i love your shoes!!!


Elizabeth said...

Given that this is my first time looking in on you/your blog, I don't know what you look like not smiling, so I don't have much perspective.

However, you look superb smiling. Your smile lights up that back porch in a way the sun never could, so I vote for smiling!

(p.s.: I love the sandals.)

Sheena said...

Yes, smiling in pictures is always nice. I think it radiates warmth from the blogger to the reader. And I agree with Enc that your smile does light up the back porch! I love your outfit, especially with the hat. Very cool!

Ela said...

LOL, I love the little smile rant - yes, let's unite! I think as long as someone doesn't look sad, or disturbed or angry (fake angry is okay but sometimes hard to pull off) it doesn't really matter but smiles are good - especially when they're geniune :)

Love those shoes - Nine West really??? LOVE!

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

I second Ela, those shoes are so fabulous!! I wouldn't have guessed Nine West.

Aimy said...

I think it depends on the outfit and setting. I think it's good to mix it up, smiling and non-smiling!

Arushi Khosla said...

The shoes! The shirt, the hat! Love. Gorg, girly.

Wendy said...

The hat is amazing!

Dream Sequins said...

Well if I had a fabulous smile like yours, I would flash it all the time. Unfortunately, I always look like I'm grimacing when I try smiles in pictures. I think that's why I try a half smile in photos. ;)

erin baillie-rutter said...

SO NICE TO SEE A SMILE! sorta makes my mouth turn, oh wait, that's a smile! thank you for spreading the vibe.

i gotta say this is extremely refreshing.



Lisa said...

Those sandals are amazing!

Anonymous said...

I originally thought somber looks were very interesting, but after seeing Rumi of Fashiontoast feature that everyday it got tiring. I much prefer smiles now!

Polished Sense said...

Love the shoes. They remind me of a pair by Chinese Laundry, they are fabulous. Loving the hat too lady! Great job!


Leslee said...

I must have your shoes. They look great with your outfit. I like how you incorporated a hat in this look.


KV said...

I like your Nine West shoes.

Maria said...

I sometimes even crop my head out. For me it's more about the clothes. I don't particularly like having my picture taken so I find it hard to smile - it always looks too forced. Congrats on yours though, its lovely :)

Check out my blog at

Maria x

Couture Carrie said...

Love your smile and your outfit!


Love + Cake said...

Hmm...interesting point. I guess it just seems custom that you don't really smile in photos. Not sure why. In any case, your photo looks great.


I'm in love with your shoes, darling!

La C.

Raez said...

aw, love smiling pics, youre adorable! thanks for stopping by too:)

xx raez

Anonymous said...

You have a nice smile that's why! I don't know about other bloggers, but when I smile in my pictures I totally look weird so hence the no smile. ~anh

GFS said...

I tend to smile quite a bit in pics...when I don't, I feel like I am trying to be like Zoolander1 lol