Feb 7, 2009

Currently Craving: Leather and Alex Wang

A free afternoon led to this little collage of my current cravings. The theme seems to be leather and Wang, along with some sweet 501's that I would love to take the shredder to. And how fresh does that white leather jacket look? It would be perfect for the Spring, when it's still too cool to be bare-armed. Also, the incredible Wang bag that Mary-Kate is holding is not going to be released until July for $850, which is quite a large amount of money, but in the realm of designer bags it's fairly affordable. I better start playing the lottery...

On a different note, I'm so sorry about the comment situation, I didn't realize there were 10 new comments bc for some reason I wasn't being emailed by Blogger. I will be responding to your comments asap, and checking out all of your lovely blogs too if you have them!

Pics from BagSnob, LevisStore, Urban Outfitters, Forever 21, & La Garconne


Anonymous said...

ooh i like all of these things! I've been stalking a similar off-white leather jacket at express for a while :)

Ashley said...

I always forget about Express! I should check out their site more often.