Sep 27, 2010

Long Week

Vertigo trench coat from TJ Maxx; Current/Elliott jeans; Minnetonka moccasins; Vintage Chanel backpack

I have never been more glad to have the time to sit down in front of my computer with a giant cup of coffee and write a blog post! This past week has been so tiring, full of emotional highs and lows. There were celebrations and there were memorial services. Meeting new people and saying goodbyes. Driving and unhealthy food and not enough coffee...

I'll focus on a positive right now. Last Wednesday, the BF and I celebrated our 7 year anniversary (please, don't ask when we're getting married, we got enough of that, ugh!). We drove down to the lake, ate delicious German food and drank German beers out of *gigantic* glasses, and walked around the cute little stuck-in-the-1940s lake town. I love towns like that, ones that haven't yet been taken over by McDonalds and Starbucks, and still have that Gilmore Girls Stars Hollow feel to them - I could definitely see myself living in a tiny town like that, at least a few months out of the year.

But now that I'm back to reality, I have time to catch up on all of the runway shows! Which were your favorites? Which were the craziest? I'm also going to catch up on all my blog reading this afternoon, I really miss you guys and can't wait to see what you've all been up to this past week!

PS - I want to give a HUGE thank you to Asami over at Pink Kitten for featuring me - she is the world's biggest Jeffrey Campbell fan and owns close to 150 pairs of JC's! Check out her blog for some serious shoe porn!

PPS - Don't forget to enter to win a $100 gift card to Shopbop - ends Tuesday night at midnight!

Sep 19, 2010


Jeffrey Campbell Lita boots; Target maxi dress; Thrifted sweater; Forever 21 necklace

The other night, out of nowhere, the power went out. No TV, no internet, no lights, nothing... for 4 whole hours! You never realize how dependent you are on technology until you are forced to be without it! In the absence of anything to do, the BF and I wasted some time doing a little impromptu photoshoot featuring my newest pair of Jeffrey Campbell's, the Lita platform boots. How many of you all have either bought or preordered the Lita's? If you haven't yet, I *highly* recommend them - they are made of soft leather, add over 5 inches to your height, and are honestly, pinky-swear, hand-to-god amazingly comfortable! The Lita's are available at Karmaloop, Solestruck, Lori's Shoes, Nasty Gal, and Jildor, in all the colors of the rainbow (well, almost...). Oh, and I can't forget to mention the highly-covetable LEOPARD Lita's, available only at LF Stores. Anyone want to pick me up a pair of those babies?

PS - Don't forget to enter to win a $100 gift card to Shopbop this week!

Sep 16, 2010

Uniform dressing

My uniform for the Fall - long maxi skirt or dress, loose knit sweater, clunky heeled boots, long necklaces, and feathers. I've already worn a variation of this the past two days in a row... pictures coming soon!

Sep 14, 2010

Shopbop $100 Gift Card Giveaway!! Buy a pair of J Brand Jeans!

Fall is unofficially here! And I don't know about you guys, but in the Fall I always like to buy one or two new pairs of jeans to bring me through the season. But jeans are expensive, and we're in a recession, so I figured my fabulous readers could use a little help in acquiring their Fall jeans selections.... so I partnered with Shopbop to give one of you lucky ladies or men a $100 gift card!

Shopbop stocks the latest styles of jeans every season, ranging from skinny jeans to distressed jeans to tall jeans. They carry labels like J Brand, Current/Elliott, Joe's Jeans, Citizens of Humanity, Hudson... the list goes on and on! Also, from time to time Shopbop posts a shopbop coupon to surprise their customers with extra savings, so be sure to check for coupons before you order!

So, now for the fun part! If you're interested in a $100 gift card to Shopbop, here's all you have to do:

The rules:

1. Visit Shopbop, check out all of their jeans, and come back here and tell me what pair of jeans you would buy with the gift card if you won

2. Be sure to leave your email address in your comment so I have a way to contact you!

For extra entries:

1. Follow my blog on Bloglovin' or Google Friend Connect (in the right sidebar when you scroll up)

2. Follow me on Facebook

3. Follow me on Twitter

4. Tweet about the giveaway - be sure to link to the giveaway and include @BreakfastatSaks in your tweet!

If you complete any of the extra entries, be sure to leave a separate comment for each one you do. This giveaway will run for 2 weeks, and I will pick the winner on Tuesday September 28 at midnight. It is open to all my readers, international included! Good luck everybody!

Sep 10, 2010

Night vision

American Rag dress; Jeffrey Campbell Bjork boots (courtesy of Ty at Jeffrey Campbell and
Corree at Lori's Shoes - thanks!!); Motel jacket; Forever 21 necklace

Just a quick post to let you all know that I survived the state fair! And not only did I survive, but my BF won me a giant Hello Kitty! He won it on the crossbow game, he got the arrow exactly in the center of the middle ring which was quite an accomplishment after a few beers!

I know NYFW is going on, but I'm choosing to ignore it for now because I'm pretty bummed I'm not in the city for it. Fashion's Night Out is tonight - are any of you all celebrating? I think I'll do my part by shopping online in my PJs, haha!

Lastly, yay for Fall!! I finally got to bust out my shearling-lined Jeffrey Campbell boots and a wool jacket last night, and I couldn't be happier! :D

Sep 3, 2010


Thrifted leopard top from Goodwill; Abercrombie & Fitch shorts; Jeffrey Campbell clogs from Lori's Shoes;
Urban Outfitters earrings; Vintage and thrifted necklaces, bracelets, and ring; Vintage Chanel backpack

I have to bid you all adieu for the next few days, because I'm going to Syracuse with the BF for the (Great) New York State Fair! I put parenthesis around the (Great) because really, it isn't that great. There are free beer and wine samples, which are *always* great, but other than that it's just a bunch of farm animals, butter sculptures, and overpriced fried foods. However, I always love going to Syracuse, and I heard an Urban Outfitters just opened in Armory Square so I'm definitely excited to check that out!

Hope you all have a fabulous holiday weekend - bring on the Fall!!

Sep 2, 2010

Room Service

Solestruck F/W 2010 Lookbook (the ultimate source for shoeporn!)
Check out the entire lookbook over at Solestruck

Pics from